Monthly Archives: November 2014

Logo MongoChef

MongoChef : Cook and Serve your mongoDB

Two nights ago, I got email from Mr. Tomasz Naumowicz. He is engineer of 3T Software Labs. In that email, I was given an opportunity by him (thanks for this opportunity, Tomasz) to try the software that was created by him and his teams. The name of that software is MongoChef. Like RoboMongo, Mongochef is the MongoDB editor GUI. I’m very curious to try this software so as soon as I can, I downloaded this software (you can give it try. Just download trial version of MongoChef in and give it try. At the first sight, I said “this software is loveable” directly. The reason of that is because these functionality: import, export, and shell.

Main Menu in MongoChef

Main Menu in MongoChef

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